Of Ghouls, Ghosts and the Devil

Posted by Bane Rowe | 22.3.08 | | 1 comments »

Its Good Friday today, the day after Jesus supposedly died. There is a belief I heard somewhere that during this day and tomorrow, there will be no God (as he is supposed to be dead – don’t ask me, I just heard this). So I thought to myself, what will happen to us if that stipulation would hold true? Will we be vulnerable to the attacks of ghouls, ghosts or dare I say, the devil himself? So there I was, sitting on the chair and pondering upon things that came and went in my life.

The chair. Yes, I remember that video of the chair. I guess I have to look for it first so that I can show everyone the power of the chair. That chair had such an impact on me that I would like those reading this to see it to believe it.

After quite some searching, I finally found the chair video. There you will see what I was writing about. That chair video has a profound effect, thus I advise anyone seeing it to just observe it and not be engrossed by the chair. Everyone will see what I mean after watching it. Here is the video.

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  1. Toby Fuqua // March 22, 2008 at 8:27 PM  

    ive had a few experinces myself with ghost i myself belive they exist