What the Future may Look Like

Posted by Bane Rowe | 18.3.08 | | 0 comments »

Boy, how time flies. When I was young, most of our toys didn't move at all. Back then, it took lots and lots of imagination to play simple games, like war games. So we usually ended up our make believe games by making the games real... mmm, hitting your opponent and stuff. Yup, we sure did end up bumped and bruised, but hey, those were fun days (yeah!). Alas, those days are long gone. Nowadays there are robotic dogs that our young ones can play with (huh? Where did Lassie go?). There's even the futuristic ASIMO that awed quite everyone when it first came out, as it was a biped that had a humanoid design that was walking upright just like us. Cool!

But more recently, Boston Dynamics featured a quadruped that they called Big Dog. Compared to ASIMO, this was more futuristic, even now while it is just in its initial stage. It was very much sturdy and had good balance as you will see in the feature. Compared to the homemade Japanese mech featured last year, Big Dog appears to be more usable in real life. It is also good to note that the US government is funding it, so I guess this could be used as a weapon in the future. Walking Armored Dogs? Cool! Check out the video! There’s also a video from Gizmodo here.

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